Author: Lloyd Dobson


Oil Paintings By Siesta Key – Sarasota Artist

Siesta Key Farmers Market - Lloyd Dobson Artist
Siesta Key Farmers Market – Lloyd Dobson Artist

Oil Paintings By Siesta Key – Sarasota Artist.
When it comes to purchasing affordable oil paintings, Lloyd Dobson local Siesta Key – Sarasota artist is a smart choice.

To create a moment in time when your mind is full of joy. Lloyd brings back the memories of this paradise island in his oil paintings – plenty of palm trees, sugar white sand beaches, classical forms, attention to detail, elegant compositions and the eternal search for the Masterpiece describes his art.

So where can I buy original oil paintings in the – Siesta Key – Sarasota, Florida area you might ask? Owning an original oil painting is definitely affordable, if you know

Paradise Island #112314   BUY   $395 26x40 - Free Shipping Lower US 48 & Canada
Paradise Island
#112314 BUY $395
26×40 – Free Shipping Lower US 48 & Canada

where to look. So many people wish they could buy a one of a kind, but assume it is far out of their price range.

This is not the case if you familiarize yourself with the local art community in your area. Often, for a fraction of the cost of the works by more well known artists, you can purchase unique originals by locals. Not only do you acquire a beautiful piece of art, but support your home community as well.

Siesta Key Farmers Market
Siesta Key Farmers Market

You can find his work by visiting his tent booth on Siesta Key every Sunday at the Siesta Key Farmers Market. It is a Sunday morning tradition since 2008 from 8am to 2pm, the Siesta Key Farmers Market offers a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, affordable oil paintings art by artist Lloyd Dobson, Jamaican prepared foods and pastries, hot breakfast, organic green tea, local plants, Italian olive oils, artisan breads, organic skin care products, clothing, jewelry, photography, pottery, and live music.

Lakewood Ranch Farmers Market in Lakewood Ranch also is a location where Lloyd Dobson’s oil paintings can

Lakewood Ranch Farmers Market
Lakewood Ranch Farmers Market

be found. He is at that location the 4th Saturday of every month from 10am to 2pm.

Besides the two farmers market come in and enjoy some of his oil paintings at Blu Que Island Grill on Siesta Key, Florida. The perfect complement to a sumptuous feast

Blu Que Island Grill - Lloyd Dobson Artist
Blu Que Island Grill – Lloyd Dobson Artist

is inspiring art at Blu Que Island Grill. They celebrate the sensory by treating you to art that is as fresh and contemporary as their cuisine. If you eat with our eyes first, consider the original art your first course.

Another Paradise Sunset #111614   BUY   $895 34x44 - Free Shipping US Lower 48 & Canada
Another Paradise Sunset
#111614 BUY $895
34×44 – Free Shipping US Lower 48 & Canada

Finding interesting and good original art in the $100 to $500 price range is a challenge. However Lloyd Dobson’s oil paintings fall into this price range and makes it very affordable to have original art from a Sarasota – Siesta Key local artist. Lloyd even has original oil paintings below $50. His inspiration is a result of his love for the sugar white sand beach of the Siesta Key – Sarasota, Florida area. With some of his travels through the Caribbean you will find paintings influenced from those areas as well.

If you are not in the Siesta Key – Sarasota area, you may purchase or read more about Lloyd Dobson at his website:

The Siesta Key BlueWave website has some additional information concerning this local artist and the Siesta Key, Florida island. You may visit here:

How Do I Increase My Artist Website Online Traffic

Increase Website Traffic
Increase Website Traffic

How Do I Increase My Artist Website Online Traffic? Technology has rapidly grown and as artist we must take advantage of this media to grow our art business. Knowing how to market is the key to any business including art. With access to the computer we can develop an Internet address and with some additional training can dominate the digital real estate.

Every business need only two things. They need traffic and conversions. Period! What better way to drive targeted traffic to your art than the Internet. Many artist who maintain a website do not take advantage of the Internet’s capability.

They simply put their art online and do little more than wait and see what happens. The whole point of having a website is to use it to spread the word about your art and to broaden your audience, right? The main reason why you’re online in the first place is to show your work to as many people as possible. The good news is that any artist can actively increase the reach of their website.

One of the greatest advantages of the Internet, and one that artists consistently overlook, is that complete strangers can land on your website or discover you and your art entirely by chance or accident. Most artists tell me that people find their websites not by chance or accident, but rather by searching artist names directly on search engines, once again demonstrating that artist website audiences consist mainly of people who’ve already heard or read or know about them, rather than as a result of incidental encounters.

Here are a few tips to market your art and remember exposure is extremely important. Getting in front of the potential customer is one of the keys to success.

1) Integrate Your Artist Website With Your Art Career Strategy: Don’t underestimate the importance of physical shows in your local community. Be sure to regularly update your website with the same information – upcoming shows, latest work, etc and include links in your emails so that people can click through to the pages which tell them about the new work or events.

2) Optimize Your Website For Search Engines: Search Engines, like Google and Bing can help a lot to bring new potential buyers to your artist website. This is especially true if you sell lower cost small artworks or reproductions in the $50 – $200 range which can attract gift and tourist-market buyers.

3) Use Social Networking To Increase Visits: There are a myriad of social networking sites online today. In our experience focus first on building a presence on Facebook. Lloyd_Dobson_Artist_-_Facebook_Fan_PageSetup a Facebook page for your art business – this needs to be in addition to your personal Facebook page. Post your latest artworks and updates there regularly. Invite others to visit your website.

4) Join Free Or Low Cost Online Galleries: Your own artist website should always be the place where you bring people to see your work. This is because it is here that you have the most control over the presentation and information flow.

That said, online galleries can be a great way to get your flag out in places that people can find you. The most important point is to ALWAYS include links back to your own artist website so that visitors have the option to visit your artist website.

5) Personal Networking: This is the most powerful way to do anything but it’s also the one many of us seem to avoid the most. Make a point of talking with 5 new people each time and “be the artist”. Share your business card (which must have your website URL on it). Nurture the relationships and friendships that develop with artists and arts professionals.

One final point:

6) Consistency Is King

It is much better to do a little consistently every week that to do a handful of mad-dash all-inclusive efforts each year. Rome wasn’t built in a day – it was build brick by brick. So it is with your art career!

If you would like some additional marketing information, tools and strategies to grow your art website online business, visit the following website now:

Art_-_Inspire_BlueWave_Website_Blog_Training_-_Home_Page_-_Get_Instant_AccessIf you got value from this Simple Way To Get Unlimited Visitors To Your Website In 5 Minutes Or Less please comment or hit the “Like” button below.

The Secrets To Surviving As An Artist

Want To Save On Your Art Supplies
Original Paintings For Sale
Original Paintings For Sale

The Secrets To Surviving As An Artist. This article started with me being ask consistently at my art show events, “How do I survive as an artist?” . Well first let me share a very fundamental for succeeding in any business. It does not matter if you have a clothing boutique, restaurant or art business there are only two things ANY business needs to survive. They need TRAFFIC and CONVERSIONS (Buyers). PERIOD!

Without both of those ingredients failure is on the near horizon. All the major aspects of what being an artist in this day and age is about, and to combine them into one unified approach is what I want to share with you. Knowing how to market your art is critical. The equation for success is KNOWLEDGE + ACTION + A POSITIVE ATTITUDE = SUCCESS!

Now of course your art comes first, we all know that, but this is not about what to make or how to make it; that’s your business and yours alone. And your creative process– the magic that happens in the studio– that’s all you as well, and no one else. As I’m fond of saying, “What happens in the

Moon Light Night #110014   BUY   $295 20x30 - Free Shipping (USA) Only
Moon Light Night
#110014 BUY $295
20×30 – Free Shipping (USA) Only

studio stays in the studio.” This is about what to do after you make your art, once it’s completed and ready to be presented to the public, in front the vast and fabulous art world and all those who populate it.

As an artist it is all about keeping people in the game, about making sure they understand what you’re up to at every step along the way– from first contact with your art ART - Siesta_Key_Farmers_Market_-_Facebook_Page_BlueWave_Artright on through to final purchase. The key is to make yourself accessible, available, and to welcome everyone to your art no matter what the circumstances. You want to make sure that everybody understands what you’re doing, what your purpose is and what you’re trying to communicate through your work. Doing that job well will definitely increase your chances of success.

You can’t simply put your art out there, and then with little or no effort on your part, expect people to somehow get up to speed entirely on their own about its significance, figure out how to contact you, what to ask or what to say or how to say it, how to find out prices, and basically advance all the way to buying something without any assistance on your part.

Here are some big questions that you really have to think about anytime you present your art to the public– online, in person, at galleries, at art events or anywhere else. What’s it going to do for us? What makes it worth owning? Why should we hang it in our homes or offices and look at it everyday? How is it going to make our lives better?

These are not questions that people will come right out and ask you, but they are the kinds of questions that really matter when they like what they see and start thinking seriously about whether your art belongs in their lives. The more your answers resonate with them and the longer a positive interaction ensues, the greater the chances that you’re going to gain a fan, make a sale or accomplish something else good.

A couple of questions you want to answer during the course of any such interaction with your potential buyer, either explicitly or implicitly, are why you have chosen to become an artist and make art such a significant part of your life, but even more importantly why have you chosen to show your art in public, what the purpose of going public with your art is. What you have to say about your art– the story, the narrative, the mystery or romance of it all– this information is often as significant as the art itself, especially with contemporary art and contemporary artists.

Where do you market your art? How do you get the word out? This is your next responsibility. Now seeing as we live in the Internet age, there’s no better way to get that word out to the maximum number of people, like to everyone on the face of the planet, than to do it online, and the best place to do it is on your website.

The content and layout of your website are extremely important. It should be a place where anyone can go to see the best, most organized, most current, easiest to understand, easiest to navigate selection of your artwork anywhere.

In this age of instant gratification, people who visit your website typically have two basic questions: “Where am I and why am I here?” And they want to know now– like within about 30 seconds or a minute of landing on your home page. People have exceptionally short online attention spans these days, and if they can’t figure where they are fast, they’re usually gone in a flash.

Being a successful artist is not only about showing and selling and getting known; it’s about understanding your purpose, your calling, and about presenting yourself and your work with unwavering confidence and conviction about who you are and what your art stands for.

Subject matters and techniques, to continually evolve and advance in your practice, and to reach out to others in ever more creative ways— that is what it means to not only survive, but also to thrive and prosper as an artist. Impact someones life with your art in a meaningful way and not only might you make yourself a sale, but you will also endow the world with just a little tiny bit more good.


Artist Need Social Media Like Twitter

Art - Twitter #1Artists Need Social Media Like Twitter to drive traffic to their website or blog. Every business need only two things to survive this competitive niche. They need TRAFFIC and CONVERSIONS. Period!

Today, social media is the cornerstone of your art career. It’s what lets you stay in touch with your fans and easily notify them with exciting news. With all the social media guides out there, you’d think no one remembers one Art - Musicians #1of the key behavioral aspects to being human – socializing. I know, it’s hard to find a balance between social and promotional – after all, you still need to sell your art.

There are so many Social Media sites and places to connect online that it can be daunting to decide where you want to spend your time. Do you link-up on LinkedIn, share stuff you Digg, make friends on Facebook, Tweet on Twitter, swirl, poke, prod, nudge… it’s enough to make an artist take cover under their easel! So how do I get traffic utilizing the social media such as Twitter you might be asking?

So what is Twitter?

TweetsBot Image Advertise #7Twitter is a fast-moving, ever-flowing social media platform where people are answering the question, “What are you doing?” in 140 characters or less. You get very good at dropping vowels and abbreviating!

What can you do on Twitter to help your art or music business?

You can connect with other artists or people in your field. Twitter is a great forum for networking, discovering and being found by others interested in the things you are interested in. Twitter can become a support system so you don’t feel so isolated if you, like many artists, work from home or alone in a studio.

If you sell your own music or gigs, art in galleries, online, on Etsy, Zazzle or any other way on the web, you can connect with potential buyers and fans. One great way to do that is to decide on key words people would tweet if they might be interested in your art. For example, if you do paintings of wine, you might watch who is tweeting about a trip to Napa Valley, wine tasting or other words that indicate they like wine. Then talk to them.

In conclusion, Twitter isn’t just about what people had for breakfast. (That’s what people who don’t like the format like to say!) Twitter isn’t for everyone but it can be a very valuable asset to artists if used authentically and with some focus in mind.

Learn more about building your creative art or music business. Full time artist Lloyd Dobson a local Siesta Key – Sarasota artist has a wealth of information for artists to learn and grow their art, craft or any other business at this marketing training website:


Follow me on Twitter at

Lakewood Ranch Farmers Market Review

Art_-_Lakewood_Ranch_Farmers_Market_#4Lakewood Ranch Farmers Market Review. The market had a fantastic turnout of people on it’s return after nearly three years. People from the area and close around have endorsed the return with enthusiasm and excitement.

The market offers a wide variety of vendors with fresh farm produce, organic products, arts & crafts which includes local Siesta Key-Sarasota artist Lloyd Dobson,

Beach Paradise #19814   BUY   $225 16x20 - Free Shipping (USA) Only
Beach Paradise
#19814 BUY $225
16×20 – Free Shipping (USA) Only

spices & sauces and beverages and snacks to name a few of what you will see and enjoy as well as some live music.

Jen McCafferty is the owner of Jen’s MarketPlace and organizer of the Lakewood Ranch Farmers Market, Apollo Beach Farmers Market and The Largo Central Park Farmers Market. The Lakewood Ranch Main Street farmer’s market will be held on the 4th Saturday of every month from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Art_-_Lakewood_Ranch_Farmers_Market_SignThe Lakewood Ranch is one of Southwest Florida’s most famous stretch of master-planned suburbia and covers the southeastern corner of Manatee County. Activity is everywhere and uniquely different from most communities. The Ranch does have a downtown entertainment district, which in this case lines and surrounds the aptly named Lakewood Main Street.

It’s where you will find these 20+ businesses offering everything from food and drink to surfboards and Hollywood films. On the first Friday night of every month you can come out and enjoy live music, dancing and much Art - Lakewood Ranch - Friday Nightmore on main street. Visitors to the pet friendly farmer’s market can also enjoy a bite to eat at picnic tables under umbrellas near the vendors, listen to guitar music from a local musician, and meet and mingle with the community.

Some of the local merchants lining up along the main street are American Shore Trading Company, Ana Molinari, Arts A Blaze Studio, Big Olaf Creamery, Ed’s Tavern, EL Lago Ranchero, Fannie May, Fast N Fresh, The Fish Hole, Hana Sushi Lounge, Lakewood Ranch Cinemas, MacAllisters Grill and Tavern, Main Street Bazaar, Main Street Trattoria, Paris Bistrot, Pastries By Design, Pinchers Crab Shack, Polo Grill and Bar, Station 400 and Vanessa Fine Jewelry. Hope I didn’t leave anyone out.

ART - Siesta_Key_Farmers_Market_-_Facebook_Page_BlueWave_Art

So come visit us at the Lakewood Ranch Farmers Market the last Saturday of the month from 10:00am to 2pm. We’ll see you there.

Artists Need Social Media

Social NetworksArtists Need Social Media for your marketing strategy. If You Don’t Have Time to Devote to Social Media, you’re not going to be good at it. Just like if you don’t have time to exercise, you’re not going to have muscles.

Social media isn’t a fad, it’s a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. But, many artists still are intimidated at the idea of joining in on the Social Media Revolution.

There are many artists out there who still don’t have a website or email! Well if it’s working, more power to them! But for the rest of us artists who are challenged by the economy, it is time for us to ‘think outside the frame’ or studio! Here’s why…

We should be aware of new trends in design, decorating, fashion and technology and how it influences your art and sales.

Social networking websites, Facebook in particular, can be great ways to spread the word about your art. As with any communication model, though, you have to know how to use it in order to get where you want to go. Facebook is no panacea and just because you sign on doesn’t automatically mean your art world profile is destined for success.

You want to keep your finger on the pulse:

In this challenging economy, being a successful artist not only consists of creating great art, but it is also about creating a strong business.

Build Your Brand:

Using Social Media is the quickest way to build brand recognition for you and your art business.

Solid brand identity differentiates you from the pack.Art_-_Inspire_BlueWave_Website_Blog_Training_-_Home_Page_-_Get_Instant_Access

A strong brand is invaluable and serves to communicate credibility to your prospective customers and business associates.

“Americans are eager to deepen their brand relationships through social media,” said Mike Hollywood, director of new media at Cone. “It isn’t an intrusion into their lives, but rather a welcome channel for discussion.”

If you don’t have a website you are invisible. Not just hard to contact, invisible. A website is a must, a blog even better.

Social media is already changing the rules of the marketplace.

Yes, there will be another ‘new thing’ someday. But for the foreseeable future, this is the world ‘Social Media’, so it’s best to learn how to live in it!

…and if you’re still not convinced, WATCH THIS:  SOCIAL MEDIA REVOLUTION (with over 1,200,000 views!)

Americans feel different about a brand that they can interact it with via social media. 56% said yes that they feel a stronger connection with a company they can interact with via social networks and 57% say that they feel better served.

If you would like additional information on marketing, I invite you to this website/blog for some FREE marketing training videos:

Where To Buy Original Art In Sarasota – Siesta Key

Pink Sunset
Pink Sunset

Where to buy original art in Sarasota – Siesta Key, Florida? Owning an original piece of art is definitely affordable, if you know where to look. So many people wish they could buy a one of a kind, but assume it is far out of their price range. This is not the case if you familiarize yourself with the local art community in your area. Often, for a fraction of the cost of the works by more well known artists, you can purchase unique originals by locals. Not only do you acquire a beautiful piece of art, but support your home community as well.

Here are a couple of suggestions to buy original art:

1)  Artist Lloyd Dobson, from the Sarasota – Siesta Key area, has affordable original signed oil paintings and he ships free to the lower 48 United States also. Hundreds of customers from the west coast to the east coast are collectors of his paintings.

Siesta Key Farmers Market - Lloyd Dobson Artist
Siesta Key Farmers Market – Lloyd Dobson Artist

You may also find his work by visiting his tent booth on Siesta Key every Sunday. Come by and say hello. It is a Sunday morning tradition since 2008 from 8am to 2pm, the Siesta Key Farmers Market offers a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, fine art by artist Lloyd Dobson, Jamaican prepared foods and pastries, hot breakfast, organic green tea, local plants, Italian olive oils, artisan breads, organic skin care products, clothing, jewelry, photography, pottery, and live music.

2)  Local Art Galleries, Custom Frame Shops, College Art Departments, Restaurants & Coffee House and Art Guilds.

These are a just a few outlets to follow when looking for local art, but be creative. Boutiques, libraries and art & craft fairs are all are possible avenues to try. The more you frequent local establishments, the better your chances of discovering unique and affordable art created by someone who might be your neighbor.
Finding interesting and good original art in the $100 to $500 price range is a challenge. However Lloyd Dobson’s oil paintings fall into this price range and makes it very affordable to have original art from a Sarasota – Siesta Key local artist. Lloyd even has original oil paintings below $50. His inspiration is a result of his love for the sugar white sand

Sea Breeze
Sea Breeze

beach of the Sarasota – Siesta Key, Florida area. With some of his travels through the Caribbean you will find paintings influenced from those areas as well.

Affordable Art To Decorate Your Home

Affordable Art  To Decorate Your Home  is easy. Decorating your new home with art doesn’t have to mean an expensive trip to your local gallery. Collecting art can be an expensive habit, but these days there are plenty of places to get amazing original art for a great price. Whether you like prints, fine art oil paintings or abstract collage, we’ve got a source for you.

The Siesta Key Farmers Market is a Sunday morning tradition sinceSiesta_Key_Farmers_Market_Sign 2008 from 8am to 2pm, the Siesta Key Farmers Market offers a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, fine art by artist Vanessa Simonard and Lloyd Dobson, Jamaican prepared foods and pastries, hot breakfast, organic green tea, local plants, Italian olive oils, artisan breads, organic skin care products, clothing, jewelry, photography, pottery, and live music.

For additional affordable art visit the following online website galleries:

Below are some additional ideas. The key to decorating on a budget is to think laterally. This guide aims to give you some ideas.

1) Family Frame

Sometimes it helps to think outside the frame. We turned this divided Blog_-_Door_Family_Pictures_#1window into a frame perfectly scaled for over the sofa. Sand, prime, and repaint a salvage-yard window, then fit a precut mat and a favorite photo into each opening. Keep them in place with framer’s glazing points (find them at crafts stores). We added a vintage knob to give our new artwork old-fashioned character.

2) Curate Your Blooms

Blog_-_Curate_Your_Blooms_#2You’d be surprised how beautiful close-up photos of flowers can be–even the snapshots you take with your own digital camera. Take your favorite flower images to your local photo center. Have them enlarged to enhance the details, and ask that they be printed on canvas, rather than photo paper. Crisp white frames make these pretty petals pop, but you could simply stretch the canvases over frames for a modern edge.

3) Measure Up

You can scoop up old rulers–some with cool retro logos–for a few Blog_-_Measure_Up_#3bucks. These bird prints, cut from the pages of a dime-store book, match the old-fashioned vibe. We used wood glue to affix the rulers to cheap wooden frames. The rulers are applied differently on each frame to keep things interesting.

4) Magnetic Attraction

Blog_-_Magnetic_Attraction_#4A message center can be a lifesaver for on-the-go families. This project takes that concept a step further. Rather than one boring bulletin board, the entire wall is coated in four coats of magnetic primer and a top coat of yellow. This way the even the littlest members of the family can contribute artwork and special notes.

DIY Tip: We love this idea for a work space or crafts room, as well. Instead of an inspiration board for your latest projects, you could have an entire wall of inspiration!

5) Jewel Box

If jewelry looks dazzling on you, it makes sense that it could dress upBlog_-_Jewel_Box_#4 walls, too. We bought cheap thrift-store frames and backed them with fiberboard covered in pretty paper. We used old cabinet knobs and pushpins to hang necklaces and bracelets. For earrings, we secured two lengths of ribbon horizontally across a frame, using thumbtacks to reinforce it. Earrings dangle from the ribbon. Even brooches and pins have a home here. We backed one frame with corkboard, so pins slide in easily. No more digging through cluttered drawers for the pearls–it’s grab and go.

5) Natural Instincts

Blog_-_Natural_Instincts_#5These are not your 4-year-old’s sun-catchers. Our sophisticated project brings refined outside style to inside spaces. We plucked single leaves from a hosta, fern, caladium, and palm, then sandwiched them between framed panels of glass. (You can find the frames at crafts stores.) Cup hooks screw inconspicuously to the window trim, and the frames dangle from eye hooks via thin chains.

DIY Tip: Swap out the leaves every few weeks when they begin to brown. For a long-lasting display, use dried leaves coated with acrylic artist’s spray to prevent discoloration.

We invite you to stop by the Siesta Key Farmers Market and say hello or visit our website at for the latest happening on Siesta Key.

Siesta Key Art For Sale
Siesta Key Art For Sale


Local Art In Sarasota – Siesta Key Area

Original Paintings For Sale
Original Paintings For Sale

Local Art In Sarasota – Siesta Key Area is plentiful . In Sarasota, most of the galleries are clustered downtown on Main Street, Palm Avenue or Towles Court. Their clients range from people looking for pleasing pictures for their living room to the person who’s building a museum-quality collection.

Another great location is the Siesta Key Farmers Market where you will find inspiring local artist Lloyd Dobson and Vanessa Simonard. The market is a Sunday morning tradition since 2008 from 8am to 2pm, the Siesta Key Farmers Market offers a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, fine art, Art - Siesta Key Farmer's MarketJamaican prepared foods and pastries, hot breakfast, organic green tea, local plants, Italian olive oils, artisan breads, organic skin care products, clothing, jewelry, photography, pottery, and live music.

Part of the fun of shopping for art  is that you never know what will be available at any one moment. Timing is always a factor. If you have to make a decision now, you must choose from what’s currently available. If you have the luxury of a year or more, you can see more of an artist’s work and get to know it better before you buy.

Siesta Key Beach 16x20  BUY  $175 # 15614 - Free Shipping US Only by Lloyd Dobson
Siesta Key Beach
16×20  BUY   $175
#15614 – Free Shipping US Only
by Lloyd Dobson

Finding interesting and good original art work in the $100 to $500 price range is a challenge. However Lloyd Dobson’s oil paintings fall into this price range and makes it very affordable to have original art from local artist. He even has artwork for only $35.00. His inspiration is a result of his love for the sugar white sand beach of Siesta Key, Florida.

Lloyd Dobson made Sarasota his new home in 2013 when he moved down from Treasure Island, Florida and prior to that the Midwest. Lloyd has a track record of putting together many art events and even owned and operated an art galleryArt - Laguna Beach Art Gallery in Laguna Beach, California.  Lloyd is equally enchanted by the beauty of this location as his artwork can attest.  His passion for marketing and the arts leads him to develop and launch   together with Vanessa Simonard. To learn more about Lloyd and his art :

Most Siesta Key – Sarasota artists are not represented by a gallery, and it can be a challenge to find them. Art Center Sarasota, Art Center Manatee, the Venice Art Center or the Sarasota County Arts Council are good places to start because each has a registry of local artists and annual exhibitions. The faculty and student shows at Ringling School, New College of Florida and Manatee Community College can introduce you to significant work that is often for sale. These are also good places to find work that’s more challenging.

Local Art In Sarasota – Siesta Key Area. Don’t forget the Siesta Key Farmers Market every Sunday where you will find local artist Lloyd Dobson and Vanessa Simonard.

How To Buy Affordable Art Direct From Artist

Art_-_Tessa_&_Tiffany_At_The_Siesta_Key_Farmers_Market_-_08-03-2014_How to buy affordable art direct from artist is the best way to invest and save money. Owning an original piece of art is definitely affordable, if you know where to look. So many people wish they could buy a one of a kind, but assume it is far out of their price range. This is not the case if you familiarize yourself with the local art community in your area. Often, for a fraction of the cost of the works by more well known artists, you can purchase unique originals by locals. Not only do you acquire a beautiful piece of art, but support your home community as well.

Don’t know where to start? Here are some suggestions:

1) Siesta Key Farmers Market operates every Sunday from 9:00am to 1:00pm. Here you will find local artist Lloyd Dobson.

Art For Sale On Siesta Key Review

With his original artwork ready for you to decorate your walls.

2) You can go online to purchase his work as well at the following website:   (Click on Fine Art Gallery tab)

3) Local Art Galleries, Custom Frame Shops, College Art Departments, Restaurants & Coffee House and Art Guilds.

Abandon Boat 16x20 BUY $175 - #15714 - Free Shipping US Only by Lloyd Dobson
Abandon Boat
16×20  BUY  $175 – #15714 – Free Shipping US Only
by Lloyd Dobson

These are a just a few outlets to follow when looking for local art, but be creative. Boutiques, libraries and art & craft fairs are all are possible avenues to try. The more you frequent local establishments, the better your chances of discovering unique and affordable art created by someone who might be your neighbor.

Beach Art For Sale
Beach Art For Sale #12614 ” Kayak On The Beach” 24×36 Oil Painting SOLD

Spending money locally shows pride in your community culture and local products. As a person who lives in the area you are more apt to locally recirculate money spent with you on your art in the form of purchases from other local business, thus supporting the local work force. When you give some of that money to local charities, even if it’s just the local boy or girl scout troop, or maybe the local food bank you are keeping money spent with you in movement. It’s a monetary loop that keeps people working to make the goods they and others purchase.

“I’m an artist, not a business person”, you shout. Well, I hate to break this to you, but anyone who wants to sell art is in business. According to Wikipedia, “a business (also known as enterprise or firm) is an organization or person engaged in the trade or sale of goods, services, or both to consumers”.Q.E.D. Business is NOT a dirty word. Businesses allow us as consumers to buy food, clothes, and gas. It allows us to find a place to live (real estate sales and rentals), and most likely it employs a lot of us who are not fortunate enough to be able to make a living selling our art. There is that word “sell” again.

If you are in the Siesta Key – Sarasota Florida area on Sunday, you are invited to stop by my tent and say hello. The Siesta Key Farmers Market is a Sunday morning tradition since 2008 from 9am to 1pm, the Siesta Key Farmers Market offers a wide variety of fresh fruits and vegetables, fine art by artist Lloyd Dobson, Jamaican prepared foods and pastries, hot breakfast, organic green tea, local plants, Italian olive oils, artisan breads, organic skin care products, clothing, jewelry, photography, pottery, and live music.

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